Customer Service

The Waterboy Way

water cooler Manchester

Our Water Cooler Ethos

Healthy Mineral Water, Water Cooler Replaced Every 3 Months, Great Service

For the last 20 years, Waterboy have become professional hydration experts from studying all the details of art and science of perfect tasting water.

This has enabled the company to provide refreshing pure drinking water of consistent quality. And enable our clients to dispense it hygienically from the cleanest water cooler product in the UK!

Waterboy supply and support both bottled and filtered mains water dispensers. We are happy to provide you with more information and advice on which is most suitable for your needs. We even wash our distribution fleet every single day and won’t deliver to you in a dirty vehicle. Just another part of our sparkling service!

  • You won’t run out of water
  • You get the cleanest coolers changed every 3 months
  • Water coolers for every environment and budget
  • We’re happy to help you
  • We’re experts & easy to do business with
  • We give you a Total Quality Commitment
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Lovely Water In The Cleanest Coolers

Nutritious Water, Great Hygiene, Keen Water Cooler Prices

If you’re looking to buy or want rental options and prices for UK water coolers, please take a look all around this site.

You will see the difference Waterboy engineers brings to the humble but important water coolers in your company!

That’s because every customer’s business is precious to us.

And because each customers’ environment and team needs are different, we strive to provide the best value water dispenser products for that each individual calls for.

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Bottled Water Coolers

State-of-the art automated bottling plant ensures total quality control from source to customers

Every delivery of our sextuple filtered water or water coolers your purchasing staff order from our company is handled with a lot of care and attention to the details.

  • Wide range of bottled hydration products
  • Suitable for any location with power
  • No plumbing or installation needed
  • Guaranteed purity
  • Only pay for what you use
  • Maintenance – coolers are sanitised & exchanged every 3 months
  • Choice of 11 litre or 18 litre bottles
  • Small storage racks to keep bottles tidy
  • Free delivery, site survey, call out & repairs
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Mains Fed Water Dispensers

A mains fed types as opposed to a bottled water cooler are also available to order as standard service solution. If any employees require more help with orders our customer service team will readily provide range, price and delivery information to support customer enquiries

  • Cooler located near a power source
  • Power & plumbing required for installation
  • Filtered from mains supply
  • Fixed cost
  • Maintenance – coolers sanitised / filter changes on site every 6 months
  • Choose from deluxe, executive or high volume
  • Free delivery, site survey, call out, repairs & installation to water source
  • 2 service visits per year
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Water Dispensers Range

Technically brilliant water cooler and trouble free in service

Our company chose the most expensive European cooler manufacturing company brands, Oasis for our drinking water coolers provide ideal solutions based on their wide range, reliability, quietness in operation, durability, ease of operation and style.

Our wide range for workplaces includes a variety of free standing, desk, mains fed and bottled coolers for any type of areas or space from schools to factories.

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Taps, Fountains & Desktops

A wide variety of water cooler and models for the home, workplaces, schools, gym and offices

Some bottle and mains fed dispenser models come fitted with hot and cold taps for fresh chilled drinking or boiled water for hot tea or coffee from integral boilers.

We also have compact desktop mains fed dispenser products and supply a range of other service items to order including: cones, paper cups and polystyrene cups that people can recycle.

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Nutritious Water, Pristine Water Cooler, Water Dispenser & Water Coolers !

Because we all drink water for our health and well being, our company believe it should be treated with the utmost respect it deserves by handling it carefully from the moment it leaves the ground till people pour out a drink from one of its bottled coolers.

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Utmost Purity & Hygiene In Office Water Cooler Rental

Waterboy’s exacting standards ensure that all its water coolers are subjected to a very strict cleansing and water quality regime. A critical feature of our hydration solution is filtering.

After triple filtration at source, it is subjected to an additional triple filtration process by our support engineers to deliver a finished product of 0.2 microns absolute.

Every single batch is sampled and then tested for microbiological contamination in our own lab and independently by Public Health England.

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Dirty Office Water Coolers – A Hygiene Hazard!

If you’ve ever witnessed maintenance by staff from other cooler companies, it’s quite likely that dispensing equipment only gets a cursory disinfectant spray and wipe down of the external parts of a cooler like taps and drip trays, taking 10 minutes at the most to complete!

However, Waterboy replace its office water dispensers every 3 months and every unit returned is completely overhauled. The water cooler is stripped down to its component parts which are “pre-cleaned”, visually inspected and replaced as required.

Then to properly clean and sanitise coolers, it takes Waterboy around 40 minutes using specially designed processes, machines and scrupulous inspections.

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Nutritious Minerals & The Kind Of Water Coolers Clients Deserve

Waterboy supply bottled water, drinking water fountains and cooler solutions clients love.

We accept works orders from all major UK, North West and Lancashire towns and cities like Manchester.

Looking for a watercooler supplier to buy or rent?

Whatever your needs are, please remember our name – Waterboy.

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